The time has arrived and we begin to practice together again.

I'm excited to welcome you back to practice and look forward to seeing you live and in the flesh at the studio with me.
There's a lot happening in the next week. Will you be joining us in practice? If so, please remember advanced booking is required. Booking closes 24 hrs prior to the start time of the event.
Please check our Covid-19 protocols.
Heart & Soul Restorative Workshop - Friday Night: The studio is dressed in pink for the Heart & Soul Restorative workshop at 6 PM.

This workshop will feature a crystal bowl sound bath, heart-opening restorative postures, heart-centered guided meditation, mantra, essential oils, and Rieki. Only 2 spots remain currently and booking closes this evening at 6 PM - Grab your spot before it's gone :)
Mind-Body-Soul Workshop this Sunday Morning: Our ritual Sunday morning practice has been transformed into a workshop. Let's face it, you all know I couldn't fit all that this gem has to offer into a 60 or 75-minute class. I always went overtime. Not that you minded :) Now it's the full 90 minutes it deserves & needs to be. I've always found it challenging to describe this class. It evolved over the years into what some have described as "church" but really it's so much more. The energy, the fierce bad-assness, the love, the laughter, the tears, the compassion... Its new name is now, Mind-Body-Soul. It's the best name to describe it. I can't wait to see our Sunday morning crew again! xoxo
Meditative Sound Bath Workshop - Sunday Night: This mediation workshop is all about letting go and chilling out. If you can sit or lay down on the floor you can do this. Yoga Nidra is a deep guided meditation that will leave you feeling calm, yet focused, and full of compassion. The crystal bowl sound bath is transformative on a cellular level. The bowls are tuned to the 7 Chakras and the sound vibration emitted from them can be physically felt as our body is primarily comprised of water.
Flowdown Monday: is a physically balancing practice. A slow, calming flow that builds strength, and flexibility while calming our nervous systems.
Yin Wednesday: Yin yoga, aka deep stretch, is focused on lengthening connective tissues throughout the physical body in gentle longer-held floor posture. This practice is physically transformational and can release physical tension immediately. The longer-held stillness within the postures allows us to sit in reflection upon our inner world and learn love, acceptance, and self-compassion.
Friday Restorative Mix: Morning practice will be a Flow & Restore practice :) The evening Stretch & Release practice is often confused with Restorative yoga however, there is some real active strengthening work that happens in this floor-based practice. The best way to describe these two popular classes is:
- Flow & Restore is like coffee with cream
- Stretch & Release is like cream with coffee.
There are spots available in all the above sessions. Once the sessions have been filled a waitlist will be formed. Anyone on the waitlist will be first informed of the next session offerings.
For those of you who prefer to practice individually rather than in a group, I have a handful of Private and Reiki sessions available in September.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.